The Gospel According To

The 10 Commandments of the Entrepreneur Looking for Web Hosting

  • You will find a Supplier WorthyThou shalt not take a provider of hosting to the light, but that you will look your reputation, reliability and quality of service.
  • You Shall Not Worship False Promotions: Don't let seduced by offers of hosting too good to be true, usually are.
  • Honor Support: Make sure that your supplier has a competent technical support and accessible, because in moments of crisis, it will be your saviors.
  • Not Subestimarás the Power of Uptime: Choose a hosting that you ensure a high-availability, for every minute your site is down, you could be losing customers.
  • You shall not Covet the Space Without Control- If the storage space is important, so is the quality and safety of this. Don't sacrifice these to last for more space.
  • You Blindarás Against the Attackers: Take as sacred the security and look for hosting providers that offer you protection against malware, and DDoS attacks.
  • You shall be Cautious in Your Spending: Not despilfarrarás resources on the unnecessary features, but neither escatimarás in crucial aspects of your hosting.
  • Multiply your Backups: Keep regular backups of your site to protect your work and effort of an unforeseen disaster.
  • Look for Scalability: You will choose a hosting that allows you to grow, and that can adapt to the growing demands of your business without sacrificing performance.
  • You will be a Disciple of the Speed: Don't underestimate the importance of a site fast. Look for a hosting that offers you an optimal performance to keep your visitors and customers satisfied.
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